Merbau (Intsia bijuga and I. palembanica) is a beautiful tropical hardwood with a wide range of uses. The heartwood is yellowish to orange-brown when freshly cut, but darkens to a deep red-brown as it matures. The grain can be straight, wavy or interlocked, and may form a ribbon figure on radial surfaces. Merbau has a moderately coarse but even texture, with an oily feel, and often a glossy surface. The sapwood is clearly demarcated from the heartwood and is whitish-grey to yellowish-brown. Vessel cavities may contain yellow deposits that can dye cloth.
Merbau is a highly versatile timber, suitable for a wide range of applications, from furniture and joinery to boatbuilding and much more. If you can source it from sustainable and legal sources, you can use Merbau as a beautiful, durable addition to your project.
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Material Type:
Also Called:
Hintzy, Mirabow, Ipil, Kubok, Zolt, Lumpho, Kwila, Vesi,
Durability Notes:
Merbau wood is a durable timber.
The drying and seasoning of Merbau is dependant on a number of factors; the speed in which it is processed after felling and logging, the method of drying and the specific kilns or location (if air dried). Generally the care taken by those processing the wood will have an impact on its drying and seasoning. As an overview; Merbau - seasons well with little impact on the grade and quality of the wood. Sealing is recommended to prevent end checking. Movement in service is small. Please note that all wood is liable to move when in service plus there can be dimensional change. The extent of this will depend on; the stability of the species itself, the conditions it is exposed to, the coating, decoration and protection. You will find more information about the suitability of this wood, for any proposed application, by using our interactive system and the filters shown.
Merbau is tolerably heavy and hard, with medium stiffness, bending strength, bending strength and resistance to shock loads. The wood has tolerable steam-bending properties but high crushing strength. Merbau works well with hand tools but has a severe blunting effect. It, turns, drills, mortices, glues, stains, varnishes and paints well. Merbau needs pre-drilling for nailing and screwing.
Typical Uses:
Flooring, Decking, Furniture, Fences, Window Framing, Boat Building, Carpentry, Joinery.
Moisture Content:
Guide - 10-18% for KD (+/- 2%)